Journal Club

Speciation Genomics (Lexer/Field/Hess/Paun)

Course Academic Credits: 3 ECTS
Content: This will discuss recent papers published in the field of speciation genomics and related emerging topics largely circumscribed to evolutionary genomics. We will target recently published articles, independent of the study system or method addressed, according to the interest of students. The students and lecturers will take turns presenting one paper per meeting, which will be further discussed in detail together with the group. The topics may include comparative genomics, approaches to variation and adaptation, population genomics, ecological genomics (including speciation and hybridization) and population epigenomics.

Time and Place: Weekly on Fridays 2pm to ca 4pm, ÜR3, Faculty Centre for  Biodiversity, University of Vienna, Rennweg 14, 3 district.
Details and registration:

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